Consumer Rights for Domestic Violence Survivors Initiative

A project of the Center for Survivor Agency and Justice

Webinar Materials: Federal Tax Advocacy for Domestic Violence Survivors

On Wednesday, November 7th, 2012, CRDVSI hosted the webinar Federal Tax Advocacy for Domestic Violence Survivors

Economic justice is a central component in the ability of domestic violence survivors to achieve financial independence. In particular, tax issues stemming from the perpetrators’ economic abuse presents myriad challenges for domestic violence advocates. This workshop discussed four issues impacting domestic violence survivors: 1) filing status as it pertains to tax credits, exemptions, and joint liabilities; 2) the “race to file first” and its impact on return acceptance and refund issuance; 3) protecting and authorizing disclosure of taxpayer information; and 4) federal income tax collection, including innocent spouse relief.  The session will addressed how each of these issues affects the journey of a tax return, the refunds generated by a tax return, and the resolution of debts that may have arisen from prior returns.

The presenter for this session was Susan Morgenstern, Senior Attorney with the Legal Aid Society of Cleveland.


The slides from this webinar are available here: Tax Advocacy Slides

Relevant Tax Forms:

change of address:
dependency exemption release:
innocent spouse:
low-income tax clinics:


This entry was posted on October 29, 2011 by in news, Uncategorized, webinars.